February 18, 2010

Progress January 2010

Bulan Janury 2010, bulan ke dua aktif di bisnis online ini. Setelah sebulanan ini berusaha untuk memperbesar jaringan, alhamdulilah ada hasil nyata yang bisa dirasain oleh gua maupun oleh jaringan-jaringan dibawah gua. Meskipun masih kecil, tapi lumayan.
Selamat ya buat para downline gua tercinta, yang bulan January ini udah pada semangat :

1. Irma --> 6 %
2. Wiwin --> WP1, BC dan 3%
3. Ely --> WP1 dan 3 %
4. Ayu --> WP1, BC dan 3 %
5. Neng --> WP1
6. Astra --> WP1 dan BC
7. Tri --> WP1
8. Surantiyah --> WP1

Irma, Wiwin, Ely dan Ayu seharusnya naek panggung nih. Tapi sayang pada ga ada yg datang ke acara d'Bistro tanggal 6 February lalu.
Gua sendiri datang, meskipun agak2 gimana gitu, karena tgl 6 Feb itu, Zoya ultah. Karena dari pagi udah pergi, ikutan workshop Internet Marketing bareng Dini Shanti, siangnya lanjut dBistro di tempat yang sama. Akhirnya gua cuma sebentar aja di d'Bistro, abis gua naek panggung untuk recognisi 9%, gua langsung pulang, inget ama my little birthday girl sih, meskipun sebenernya masih pengen stay.

Recognisi 9%: Belum pada siap difoto..hehe..

Naek panggung perdana gua nih, setelah bulan lalu gagal karena telat datang..huehehe.. lumayan dapet pin dan hadiah Body Spray.
Mau ikutan naek panggung juga, klik disini


February 02, 2010

Entertaining Channels for TV

Television is the one which will help you release your stress at home. From the TV, you will get the entertainment which will make you forget about the annoying things in the office. But, TV can fully entertain you if it has large selections of channel that you will not feel bored in watching it.

If you are now in the middle of selecting the provider for your TV channels, then put aside the cable television will not make you lost. It is because satellite television provider can give you both local and international channels. You can choose DIRECTV immediately since it is really the one that can satisfy your desire in getting the entertainment. DIRECTV Service consist of movies, sports, family, as well as news programs which will always brighten your days. Since you are new customer of Directtv, you will get more advantages because you only need to pay for $29.99 per month and you are ready to watch more than 150 digital channels on your television.

You will not regret with your choice in using this Satellite TV Provider. Moreover, you have the chance to get additional bonus of $100 prepaid visa card if you call 800-400-0296 or fill out the 15-second quote at Directsattv.com now.
