October 23, 2008

Happy Birthday


Because on October, my closest people are having birthday:

1. Mom
2. My Best Friend - Sophia
3. My Best cousin - Ipi
4. My Niece - Rizka


Anonymous said...

... and it's gonna be your birthday too :D
we'll be waiting for it, noe ;)

ps: thanx for remembering me, heehehe..

big hug,

mommy adit said...

Nita juga oktober lho!! my son juga oktober lho!! my DL yg super duper semangat ngejalanin bisnis & anaknya juga oktober.. hidup oktober!! hueheuheueheu

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY noeeeeee... :D

see.. it's finally U're Day!

it's hard to think of what else do you deserve for u're birthday, cause it seems you already have everything..
a good husband, two lovely children, nice home to live in..
and this 'smart' blog.. ehhehee
though, whatever you still hope to come.. hope it will be come true.. someday..
and i hope our friendship will last forever (hey, it's been more than 20 years!).. :)

(plis pardon my english, it's been long since the last time i wrote.. hehee)
