Gua doyan banget ama banana split. Kebetulan kemaren dirumah abis buat ice cream. Langsung deh buat banana split ala rumahan banget. Tapi kurang berasa ya, soalnya ice creamnya cuma 1 rasa dan whipping cream, my favorite topping lagi ga ada persediaan di kulkas. Untung chocolate sauce yang dibuat beberapa hari lalu masih ada... ya at least selama pake banana dan di belah.. teteplah namanya Banana Split... huehehehe..
Tiba-tiba kok kepikiran pengen punya tree house ya. Asik banget kayanya, apalagi kalau daerahnya yang dingin-dingin gimanaaaaaa gitu.....
Iseng2 browsing dapat foto-foto tree house yang unik. Kali aja bisa jadi insiprasi untuk yang pengen buat tree house juga. Banyak foto-foto tree house unik lainnya. Lihat aja disini ya.
Lagi seneng lagu ini... Beautifully by Jay Brannan.. The song is sooooo beautiful and I love his voice as well
Every time he goes, she dies Every time she comes, she cries
He was her long, bright future In the middle of a wrong, dark road He loved her, but he wasn't too sure If he could return the love she showed When she said, my love extends Beyond the realm of being friends He kissed her head And quietly he said
It's not that you're not beautiful, you're just not beautiful to me She said, how beautiful do I have to be? When I look in the mirror, you're the only thing I see And I have loved you beautifully
Well, ten thousand tears passed by But she never let him see her cry And he called up down one night He said, let's get in the car and just drive
He talked a lot about loneliness But why, she didn't know And some song about Memphis Was playing on the radio She said, let's stop the car and slow dance Won't you just give me a chance? He took her hand And hoped she'd understand
It's not that you're not beautiful, you're just not beautiful to me She said, how beautiful do I have to be? When I look in the mirror, you're the only thing I see And I have loved you beautifully
Well, she'll burn that bridge And build a house And swallow the smoke in her mouth She'll feel the burn And then make the choice To put the fire in her voice
It's not that you're not beautiful, you're just not beautiful to me She said, how beautiful do I have to be? When I look in the mirror, you're the only thing I see And I have loved you beautifully
Minggu lalu gua ketemu sahabat gua waktu SMP lewat FB, akhirnya.. seneeeeng banget, setelah sempet hilang contact bertahun2.. Ternyata dia skarang sudah jadi ibu-ibu, sama kaya gua, anaknya juga udah 2... Waktu berjalan cepet banget ya.. Ga kerasa, terakhir ketemu waktu SMP kelas 2 akhir, dia pindah ke kota lain. Trus sempet surat-suratan.. (gua blm kenalan ma email waktu itu, hehe) tus sampe akhirnya hilang contact karena gua ga tau dia pindah kemana lagi.
Dia jadi businesss woman sekarang.... punya usaha di rumahnya dan dia juga lagi ngejalanin bisnis onlinenya yang baru. Dia ngajakin juga gua bergabung.. Akhirnya, gua ikutan ... moga-moga bisa sukses deh disini. But anyway, kesuksesan memang tegantung seberapa besar niat kita dan seberapa keras usaha kita. Ntar gua ceritain deh tentang bisnisnya di post-post berikutnya.. mau gua pelajari dulu ya.. tar baru gua share. tenang aja..
Lagi jalan-jalan ke Hero, iseng beli roti buat pizza. Besok paginya ubek-ubek kulkas, untung persediaan masih agak lumayan lengkap. Langsung aja gua ambil daging cincang dan bawang bombay buat saos spaggeti, tp gua buat agak kental. Diolesin ke atas rotinya, tus diatasnya ditaro potongan sosis ama daging asap. Karena ga ada keju mozarella, gua pake keju kraft yang quick melt. Trus di panggang deh.
Hasilnya.. lumayanlah enak.. ya iyalah enak, pake daging gitu loh, kecuali isinya sayuran doang... hehe.. Lumayan buat sarapan, anak-anak terutama yang besar doyan banget.
I and my friend went to the mall yesterday. She was looking for new eyeglasses. We visited all the optical stores there and found out that a pair of eyeglasses quite pricey. She was disappointed, because she didn’t get what she want. At the coffee shop, we talk about online shopping, and suddenly I remembered about Zenni Optical site.
We browsed the site directly and found out a gorgeous collection of Holiday Fun Eyeglasses, like the one in the picture, it’s my favorite is because I love the red color on the front frame and it’s perfect when meet the black temples … well, I’m a red addict. Anyway, we browsed almost all collection and the New Arrivals as well. The most interesting offer is the $8 Prescription Zenni Glasses. They are more affordable than those eyeglasses at the optical stores at the mall. Well, I hope she find what she want so I can see the smile on her face again.