December 31, 2009

Closing 2009 with a Bang ..d'BCN Style!

Yup, Judul itu memang bener banget.. akhir bulan ini sekaligus akhir tahun 2009 memang banyak kejutan yang terjadi di Oriflame, khususnya di d'BCNetwork. Bulan ini banyak banget muncul Manager-manager baru dari d'BCN termasuk teman smp gua, Lala.. selamat ya bu. Seneng banget dengernya...
Milis d'BCN dari pertengahan bulan ini isinya kebanyakan ucapan selamat kepada temen2 yang udah berhasil jadi manager maupun yang naik level... ada juga yang masih dag-dig-dug nunggu hari terakhir pas tupo. Tapi sekarang dah lega kan..??
Ternyata ada consultant cowo juga yang berhasil loh, malah ngalahin kita-kita sebagai wanita, salut deh gua ama belio ini.

Yang lain pada jadi manager, pada naik level, tus gua gimana??
hihi.. Alhamdulillah diriku juga naik level bulan ini. Barengan ama DL gua Irma, kita sama-sama 3 % bulan ini.
Kok cuma level 3% sih?? ya iyalah.. orang kita gabungnya baru sebulanan.. hehe.. lagian mau jadi Diamond juga pasti ngelewatin 3% dulu bukan?? tenang aja, InsyaAllah bulan depan bisa naik level lagi, semangat ah dan harus OPTIMIS pastinya.

Mau ikutan serunya d'BCNetwork? gabung aja yuk di sini.


December 29, 2009

Surat Pernyataan Oriflame

Beberapa hari ini, di milis nya d'BCNetwork lagi rame pada ngebahas sebenernya produk Oriflame halal ga sih? Trus kok label BPOMnya cuma tempelan kertas doang sih...

Jadi begini, produk Oriflame adalah produk import dimana sama seperti produk import lainnya, kemasan dibuat global, jadi bisa digunakan di negara mana saja.
Sementara untuk persyaratan yang sifatnya khusus dimana tiap negara beda-beda (seperti no. reg, lingkaran K merah buat obat, dll), bisa diatasi dengan menambahkan stiker. Coba bandingin ama produk2 branded yang lain yang dijual di dept store terkemuka, malah ada yang tidak ada label BPOMnya..

Trus mengenai kehalalannya, sudah ada penjelasannya di Newsletter Oriflame Edisi Jan-Feb 2010 hal 13. Jadi Oriflame telah mengeluarkan surat yang menyatakan bahwa produk Oriflame tidak mengandung unsur hewani.

Gimana, sudah percaya kalau Oriflame aman? Kalau sudah yakin, memulai bisnisnya juga jadi tenang bukan.. apalagi dibantu dengan support yang dikasih d'BCNetwork, pasti lebih asoy... mau ikutan?? klik disini ya.

December 28, 2009

Derita Di Akhir Tahun

Haduh..haduuh.. ada-ada aja kejadian akhir taun ini. Dimulai dari gua yang sakitnya ga sembuh-sembuh.. gila aja nih dah ampir 3 minggu sakit batuk pilek. Sekarang juga gua masih batuk-batuk, ampe cape gua minum obat. MySpace

Tambah lengkap penderitaan gua pas hari Jumat kemaren, pembantu gua kabur.. hadeuuhh.. mana bisa gua istirahat kalo gini. Sekarang harus ngurusin semuanya sendiri lagi...
Yah moga-moga ini adalah sengsara membawa nikmat.. hehe..

December 21, 2009

Pintu Sorga

Dapet imel dari temen yang isinya joke..bolehlah.. cukup menghibur bisa senyum-senyum sendiri... silahkan senyum-senyum sendiri juga .. nih ya.
Pintu Sorga Rusak

Malaikat panik, sebab pintu Surga tidak dapat dibuka padahal di luar telah bergerombol calon warga yang akan masuk kesana.
Lalu Malaikat berseru adakah insinyur diantara para calon warga untuk memperbaiki pintu Surga.

Untungnya pada hari itu ada 3 Insinyur, 1 dari Amerika, 1 dari Jepang, dan 1 dari Indonesia.

Pertama Insinyur Amerika, dan setelah diperiksa, Si Amerika sebut biayanya $900. Komentar Malaikat : "Lho kok mahal ?Coba buat perincian. .. !!!"

Kata Si Amerika : "Ongkos pemeriksaan $200, $300buat bahan, dan $400 ongkos kerja."

Malaikat terus panggil Si Jepang, dan setelah diperiksa sebentar, SiJepang sebut biayanya $600. Dengan perincian $300 ongkos bahan dan$300 ongkos kerja. Lebih murah, karena tanpa ongkos pemeriksaan. ..

Masih belum puas, Malaikat konsultasi sama temen2nya, dan dia pikir masih mahal. Lantas Si Malaikat panggil insinyur Indonesia. Malaikat pikir Indonesia lagi krismon dan banyak PHK. Tentunya perlu duit dan pasti lebih murah ?

Insinyur Indonesia tanpa periksa pintu, langsung jawab : "Siap Malaikat. .. Ongkosnya $1.600...!!!" Sergah Si Malaikat bingung : ". Kok bisa $1.600 ? Lebih mahal dari yang lain...???" Insinyur Indonesia maju sambil berbisik di kuping Si Malaikat : "Eh... Malaikat... Dengerin yah...$ 500 buat loe...$500 buat gua... Yang $600 kasih aja ke Si Jepang...! Biar dia yang betulin tuh pintu...!!!

Waktu gw masih hidup juga sering gitu...cin cai lah….betul, betul, betul ?

Kejutan Hari Ini

Kemaren waktu buka email, ga nyangka deh ada email dari sistem d'BCNetwork yang bilang kalau ada calon member baru dari website gua, Gua liat calon DL gua ini domisilinya di daerah Jawa Timur. Calon DL gua ini adalah orang yang benar2 belum pernah gua kenal sebelumnya.
Langsung gua kirim email untuk kenalan dulu, sekalian pengen tau dia beneran tertarik apa ngga... ternyata dia langsung bales email dan nanya bbrp hal ttg cara belanja.

Tadi pagi pas cek imel lagi, ternyata dia langsung closing, dengan mengirimkan KTP ama bukti transfernya.. Alhamdulillah.. langsunglah gua daftarin ke oriflame.

wah berarti emang bener terbukti nih, klo sistem onlinenya d'BCNetwork itu, emang yahud banget, selain menjangkau mana-mana, web replika itu membantu banget, sehingga prospek bisa tahu secara garis besar apa sih bisnis Oriflame ini, tanpa kita harus cape-cape sampai berbusa ngejelasin...
free online training

December 11, 2009

December 2009 Promo : Untuk Sponsor

Postingan yang kemaren kan isinya campaign dan bonus-bonus untuk para new consultant.. asyik ya.. tapi mana dong untuk para sponsornya??? kan kita juga mau.. hehehe..
Jangan khawatir ibu-ibu, bapak-bapak, mas dan jengs... ada kok.. ada..

Jadi di bulan Desember ini, untuk para consultant yang telah mengajak/mensponsori 2 orang teman yang memenuhi WP1 (seperti kualifikasi dipostingan sebelumnya) bisa mendapatkan Convertible 3-strand Cascading Necklace Fabulous secara GRATIS!!
senilai Rp 300.000,-
Mau lebih?? .. boleh..

Ajak 4 orang teman anda yang memenuhi WP1 (seperti kualifikasi dipostingan sebelumnya), anda bisa dapat Convertible 9-strand Cascading Necklace Fabulous secara GRATIS!! senilai Rp 600.000,-

mau dong... klik disini ya..

December 10, 2009

December 2009 Promo : Gabung Gratis

Bulan Desember 2009 ini, gabung dengan Oriflame dan d'BCNetwork bisa gratis loh... ga percaya?? nih buktinya..


* Mendaftar dengan Rp 39.900,-
* Lakukan order BP pertama Rp 175.000,- (harga member)
* Dapatkan kembali Rp 39.900,- sehingga pendaftaran anda menjadi GRATISS!!

Mau?? gabung yuk disini

Ga cuma itu aja kok, Desember ini ada juga yang namanya DOUBLE IT CAMPAIGN.
Jadi untuk para new consultant yang bergabung bulan Desember ini (periode 2 Desember 2009 – 16 Januari 2010) akan mendapatkan hadiah Welcome Program (WP) double dari biasanya..

WP1 = 2X Rp 70.000,-
Kumpulkan minimum 75 BP selama 30 hari dan dapatkan 2 produk pilihan Anda secara GRATIS, masing-masing senilai Rp 70.000 = total senilai Rp 140.000,-

WP2 = 2X Rp 100.000,-
Kumpulkan minimum 100 BP dan dapatkan 2 produk pilihan Anda secara GRATIS, masing-masing senilai Rp 100.000 = total senilai Rp 200.000,-

WP3 = Convertible 3-strand Cascading Necklace Fabulous
Kumpulkan minimum 125 BP dan dapatkan GRATIS Convertible 3-strand Cascading Necklace Fabulous senilai Rp 300.000,-

Jadi total bonus WP yang anda dapatkan :

Rp 540.000,-

Haiyah.. makin lama bonusnya Oriflame makin buat mupenk aja nih lapar..

siapa sih yang ga mau disodorin hadiah beginian.. mau juga ga? Ayo Gabung sekarang. Ga akan nyesel deh.

December 09, 2009

My First d'BISTRO

Minggu kemaren, pertama kalinya gua ikutan acara d’BC Network, namanya D’BISTRO, yaitu acara bulanannya d’BCN untuk memperkenalkan bisnis oriflame ini secara offline dan juga acara recognisi para membernya yang naik level. Seru banget, banyak hadiah yang dibagiin dan yang paling penting sih banyak motivasi yang gua dapat dari acara ini. Gua semakin yakin deh kalo gua juga bisa…

Kemaren pake acara ketinggalan kamera segala sih, jadi deh “terpaksa” copas foto-foto dari Widya, leader gua yang “kecil-kecil menghasilkan” huahahaha.. piss!! Gua dah ijin yaaaa..

Hari itu juga pertama kalinya gua ketemu Widya dan juga DL gua, Irma yang selama ini cuma kenalan dan ngobrol via YM doang. Neh fotonya..

Irma, Nurul, Widya

Ternyata hari itu ada dresscodenya, yaitu ungu.. untung gua pake baju yang warnanya masuklah ke ungu.. padahal gua ga tau.. hihihi..

Yang ini fotonya para d’BCN-ers yang penghasilannya dah 4 jutaan ke atas.. gua lom ada disana he..he.. tenang.. gua pasti jadi bagian mereka.. harus Yakin dan Optimis dongz.

Ga sabar nih, bulan depan gua naik panggung juga ga ya?? Hayo SEMANGAT !!!

Biarpun bisnis ini bisnis online, dateng ke acara-acara offline kaya gini penting juga loh, bisa ketemu langsung ama partner2 kerja kita secara langsung, nambah teman dan juga nambah motivasi. Dan ternyata banyak juga d'BCNers yang rumahnya ga jauh dari gua loh... (bukan cari tebengan kok sengihnampakgigi )

Mau ikutan juga? gabung aja yu.. klik disini ya

November 22, 2009

Banana Split

Gua doyan banget ama banana split. Kebetulan kemaren dirumah abis buat ice cream. Langsung deh buat banana split ala rumahan banget. Tapi kurang berasa ya, soalnya ice creamnya cuma 1 rasa dan whipping cream, my favorite topping lagi ga ada persediaan di kulkas. Untung chocolate sauce yang dibuat beberapa hari lalu masih ada... ya at least selama pake banana dan di belah.. teteplah namanya Banana Split... huehehehe..

November 20, 2009

Tree House

Tiba-tiba kok kepikiran pengen punya tree house ya. Asik banget kayanya, apalagi kalau daerahnya yang dingin-dingin gimanaaaaaa gitu.....rindu

Iseng2 browsing dapat foto-foto tree house yang unik. Kali aja bisa jadi insiprasi untuk yang pengen buat tree house juga. Banyak foto-foto tree house unik lainnya. Lihat aja disini ya.


Lagi seneng lagu ini... Beautifully by Jay Brannan..
The song is sooooo beautiful and I love his voice as well love

Every time he goes, she dies
Every time she comes, she cries

He was her long, bright future
In the middle of a wrong, dark road
He loved her, but he wasn't too sure
If he could return the love she showed
When she said, my love extends
Beyond the realm of being friends
He kissed her head
And quietly he said

It's not that you're not beautiful, you're just not beautiful to me
She said, how beautiful do I have to be?
When I look in the mirror, you're the only thing I see
And I have loved you beautifully

Well, ten thousand tears passed by
But she never let him see her cry
And he called up down one night
He said, let's get in the car and just drive

He talked a lot about loneliness
But why, she didn't know
And some song about Memphis
Was playing on the radio
She said, let's stop the car and slow dance
Won't you just give me a chance?
He took her hand
And hoped she'd understand

It's not that you're not beautiful, you're just not beautiful to me
She said, how beautiful do I have to be?
When I look in the mirror, you're the only thing I see
And I have loved you beautifully

Well, she'll burn that bridge
And build a house
And swallow the smoke in her mouth
She'll feel the burn
And then make the choice
To put the fire in her voice

It's not that you're not beautiful, you're just not beautiful to me
She said, how beautiful do I have to be?
When I look in the mirror, you're the only thing I see
And I have loved you beautifully

November 18, 2009

Hi LA!

Minggu lalu gua ketemu sahabat gua waktu SMP lewat FB, akhirnya.. seneeeeng banget, setelah sempet hilang contact bertahun2.. Ternyata dia skarang sudah jadi ibu-ibu, sama kaya gua, anaknya juga udah 2... Waktu berjalan cepet banget ya.. Ga kerasa, terakhir ketemu waktu SMP kelas 2 akhir, dia pindah ke kota lain. Trus sempet surat-suratan.. (gua blm kenalan ma email waktu itu, hehe) tus sampe akhirnya hilang contact karena gua ga tau dia pindah kemana lagi.

Dia jadi businesss woman sekarang.... punya usaha di rumahnya dan dia juga lagi ngejalanin bisnis onlinenya yang baru. Dia ngajakin juga gua bergabung..
Akhirnya, gua ikutan ... moga-moga bisa sukses deh disini. But anyway, kesuksesan memang tegantung seberapa besar niat kita dan seberapa keras usaha kita.
Ntar gua ceritain deh tentang bisnisnya di post-post berikutnya.. mau gua pelajari dulu ya.. tar baru gua share. tenang aja..

November 17, 2009


Lagi jalan-jalan ke Hero, iseng beli roti buat pizza. Besok paginya ubek-ubek kulkas, untung persediaan masih agak lumayan lengkap. Langsung aja gua ambil daging cincang dan bawang bombay buat saos spaggeti, tp gua buat agak kental. Diolesin ke atas rotinya, tus diatasnya ditaro potongan sosis ama daging asap. Karena ga ada keju mozarella, gua pake keju kraft yang quick melt. Trus di panggang deh.

Hasilnya.. lumayanlah enak.. ya iyalah enak, pake daging gitu loh, kecuali isinya sayuran doang... hehe..
Lumayan buat sarapan, anak-anak terutama yang besar doyan banget.

November 01, 2009


I and my friend went to the mall yesterday. She was looking for new eyeglasses. We visited all the optical stores there and found out that a pair of eyeglasses quite pricey. She was disappointed, because she didn’t get what she want. At the coffee shop, we talk about online shopping, and suddenly I remembered about Zenni Optical site.

We browsed the site directly and found out a gorgeous collection of Holiday Fun Eyeglasses, like the one in the picture, it’s my favorite is because I love the red color on the front frame and it’s perfect when meet the black temples … well, I’m a red addict.
Anyway, we browsed almost all collection and the New Arrivals as well. The most interesting offer is the $8 Prescription Zenni Glasses. They are more affordable than those eyeglasses at the optical stores at the mall. Well, I hope she find what she want so I can see the smile on her face again.

October 29, 2009

Invest For the Future

These days, it’s very important to invest our money for the future. Many kind of investment you can choose, like my sister who rather to invest in property or my friend who buying stock as his way to invest. There are also many women who like to buy jewelry and gold. They said it’s a good investment and gorgeous to wear as well.

If you interested to invest by buying gold, such as gold coins and bullion, there is a site where you can find a gorgeous collection of gold coin and gold bullion from around the world, such as Chinese Gold Panda coin, American Buffalo 24-karat gold coin and The Australian Gold Nugget coin. Just visit the site to find out all collection. You can buy them online. And if you curious and need information about gold coin and bullion, you can read the testimonial from the customers and you can also request the gold guide for free at this site.

Anyway, for you who want to invest, any kind of investment, it’s better for you to gain much information about it and do not forget to ask the expert first. So you will find out which one is the best and most suitable with your financial condition.

October 28, 2009

Sweet October

October... oh I love October.. well, it's my birthday, but not only me who celebrating the great day, but also my cousins, my best friend, my niece and also my lovelly mom. I love you all.. and I hope all the best for us... and I hope I can meet you more often.
I miss the time we chatted, laughed and did something silly.. well, as we grown up, everybody has his and her own live, specially me who got married and stay at the different city...
I miss my home town and my sweet, tiny, old room... gigil I think I can't continue to write, or my eyes will full of tears remembering the sweet memories when I was young.

anyway... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! celebrate

August 30, 2009

Best 10 Web Hosting Sites

Are you looking for the best web hosting site? What considerations do you apply to choose the best one? Well, finding the best web hosting site can be tough since there are many sites providing web hosting services that we can find over the internet. In fact, we must not just pick any site since the hosting type we use will influence our website performance. This means that we have to consider thoroughly a hosting service before we use it.

Fortunately, there is that can help us finding the best web host. The website has listed ten web hosting sites that are rated as the best based on certain criteria. The information is provided in a form of a table so that we can easily locate any information we need. We can then compare features of each site side by side to determine which site meets our needs. The detail review that we can find at the website will help us to make well informed decision.

Further, the website also provides a link to each web hosting site ranked. We can follow the link if we want to find more information about the site. Therefore, we should not find more difficulties in choosing a web hosting since the website can help us finding the best one. So, visit the website and choose a web hosting site that best meets our needs.

August 29, 2009

What Promo Is The Best?

It’s already end of August, time goes so quickly. Today is the 8th day of fasting month. Still 3 weeks to lebaran.. huhu… can’t wait until the day.. Now department stores offer great sale. Yup, it’s become a custom to buy some new outfits for Lebaran.

Lately, I was busy with as well. Since the worker is only one. I have to do all by myself. And facing this Lebaran moment I’ve to offer a great promo for my customer in my store. It’s always discount, but I want something different this time. But I can’t think what it is. Hmm? Do you have any idea, gals?

July 30, 2009

Direct TV

There are a lot of things you can do when you home alone. If you have a lot of games collection, you can play your favorite games when in your leisure time. If you like to watch your favorite TV shows in your leisure time, you should know that you can get better picture quality and more TV channel if you use satellite TV. There are a lot of satellite TV providers that you can find around you but direct TV is the best satellite TV provider for you.

Direct TV is the best satellite TV provider because it provides the most TV channel in HD and you will also get a lot of bonuses if you order direct TV. Directv provides several packages that you can choose based on your needs. Direct TV will give you free HBO, showtime, and starz channel for three months if you order it now. If you interested with direct TV, you can order it from If you open the website, you will find direct TV in California so you also can watch your local TV shows.

Direct TV is the right satellite TV provider for you so you should order direct TV today and watch your favorite TV shows in better picture quality.

July 28, 2009

Best Camping and Hiking Equipment Shopping Guide

Have a plan to camping and hiking, but you don’t know where you can get the best equipment that you can use? It’s easy, you just need to search in the internet, and you can find many online stores that will give you everything that you need for your outdoors activity plan. But, if you have difficulty to decide and you need an offer with best price, you definitely need best buying guide.

There’s no other place that you can visit to get the best buying guide for your camping and hiking need than Shopwiki.Com. This website will guide you to get the best offer for your camping and hiking needs. Here you can get best guide to get good Hiking Boots with best price. You also can get the best and comfort Sleeping Bags for your nice sleep in the camp site with this website guide. For your safety, you also can use the guide here to get the best GPS Devices. Here you also can find buying guide to get best quality Outdoor Furniture.

So, if you have difficulty to find best offer for your camping and hiking, also other need, this website will give you the solution. Now, you can find the best offer to get everything that you need for fun, comfort and safety camping and hiking.

July 16, 2009

Win the Games Easily

When you have to stay at home alone, you probably will get bored and you get confuse of what you should do. If you have to stay at home alone, you can do a lot of things like watching your favorite TV show or play your favorite games. If you bored with the same old games, you should try different games like online casino games. If you interested with the online casino games, you should know how to play the games well.

Win the casino games is not hard but it can be so easy if you check out This website allows you to get online casino guide which will be useful for you. Online casino newbies is the right answer for people who want to be an expert in online casino world. So, if you want to play the casino games, you better to check out the website before you play the games. You should get the tips and tricks to win the casino games then you can start to play the games.

Casino games can be the right way to chase away the bored. So, when you have a lot of time at home, you should open the website then you can start to play the games.

July 15, 2009

Election Days Coming

At last I got my chance to cast a vote on presidential election. It's make me very happy, due to I lost my chance on the last election. They said dont register my name..oh my godtension., but hey look at my finger, its a prove that I am being participate on presidential election this year..jelir

June 25, 2009

The GSS 2009 Tourist Privilege Card

Talking about shopping, The Great Singapore Sale (GSS) is held again. As we know, for us in the Southeast Asia, Singapore is a shopping paradise. And with this great sale, what is better than this????
The discounts are up to 70% off for just about anything, from designer apparel to jewelry, watches and more! Whether you are in the main shopping belts of Orchard Road and Marina Bay or at the suburban malls, look out for this great sale.

If you want to go there, don’t forget the Great Singapore Sale Tourist Privilege Card. You can download the card at this site. With this card, you can enjoy fantastic discounts on your purchases and visits at participating outlets. And you should present this card with your passport to enjoy the privileges listed in the brochure.

Don’t forget, the GSS 2009 is held from May 26 to July 29, 2009. Well, at this time in Indonesia is also the school long holiday, so moms, you can take your children too to spent their holiday time. So everybody is happy, isn’t it?

June 24, 2009

The Great Singapore Sale 2009

Singapore is one of my favorite vacation destinations that I visit frequently. There are lots of interesting activities and attractions I can find there. I always plan my vacation before so I will have a great vacation and enjoy the time very much. I usually go to Singapore with my friends and we love to stay at comfortable city hotels. We choose city hotels as they are located downtown and they usually offer special deals.

As for this time, I plan to go to Singapore to enjoy the Great Singapore Sale 2009 which is held from may 29th to July 26th. I will go with my friends and we will enjoy the great sale. To be able to enjoy the great sale, we surely need to stay at comfortable hotel. Our choice is one of Accor Hotels which is located downtown. It happens as we found that there is Accor Hotels City Super Sale. We consider the hotel rates are much cheaper for such high quality hotels as what we see at We want to use this great promotion as we can save money on hotel. This means that we have more money for shopping.

Further, I found out at the website that this offer is only valid from July up to September 2009. This means that if you want to use this great offer, you have to book the hotel during that period of time.


June 19, 2009


Shopping, hmm…who doesn’t like shopping, especially us, women..
Have you read the novel series “Shopaholic” by Sophie Kinsella? They are my favorite, it is funny, light reading but very entertaining. But the saddest thing is when I lost that book, the first series “Confessions of a Shopaholic”. I kept at my mom’s house, but that time when I lost most of my collections because of the termite, I went to my mom’s house to check it out… and I just find other series beside that book… I don’t know whether my mom had thrown it away or there was somebody who borrowed without asking. Well, I have to buy it again…!!

Few months ago it was filmed with title as the first book “Confessions of a Shopaholic”. But anyway, I haven’t watched it yet. I hope it is as funny as the book. Have you watched it?

June 14, 2009

New Collection : Korean Style Nursing Wears

Korean Style Nursing Wear Collection is now available at There are many styles of this collection but the stock is limited on each style. The clothes is not only comfortable but also stylish.

Now moms can breastfeed your baby in the public place easily and with no embarrassment for sure.

See you at and be a fashionable nursing mom.

June 09, 2009

Be A Certified Ethical Hacker

Some companies have paid more attention to their security system and they have developed some excellent programs that would be uneasy to be broken by some hackers. But somehow, naughty hackers are still able to break into the system. But in many countries, some professional hackers are being paid by a certain company to break into their own system and to inform them about the lacks of their IT Security system. Those hackers run their penetration testing to the company’s IT system.

Talking about hacker, some people start to discuss the possibility of being Ethical Hackers. Well, hacker also needs to have some ethics in the business. And now hundreds of IT professionals are joining Secure Programming training program, a program to help them to prepare their salve to face the un-ethical hacker and also to get the Ethical Hacker certification. For you who are also interested to be a Certified Ethical Hacker, please check this site:, they offer classes for:
-Security Fundamentals
-Ethical Hacking
-Penetration Testing
-Computer Forensics

-Disaster Recovery
-Secure Programming

Well, by joining the EC-Council, perhaps we may take part to increase our security system in the cyber world. It’s free anyway. So, why don’t you join?


June 08, 2009

After One Week

It’s already been a week since was launched, but the result is not as good as I expected. On the day 3rd, there was a woman called me, I was so excited. She asked about one of the products, but unfortunately I don’t have it for this time. Well, another customer go... but it’s oke, at least I know that they are already start to notice that is exist. And anyway, it’s only a week! I hope it will show great progress this month.

June 01, 2009 - Maternity Wears Online Store

Like I told you before that I decided to make my own home business.
And today, June 1st, 2009, I want to announce that is officially open.
MySpace sells stylish maternity and nursing wears for fashionable moms. ZoyaMaternity will help moms to always looked chic and stylish while pregnant and nursing.

So if you are a pregnant or nursing mom, don't forget to visit There is Opening Sale, 20% on all collections. Just visit the site and find out our best collection in great price.

See you there, moms!

May 28, 2009

I Got The Package

Yesterday was a tiring day. We went to the customs office at the airport to negotiate about the tax. And then we went to the post office to take the package. Well, it should be a "Door to Door" service, but infact, we should spend almost a day to have it on our hand.

Anyway, Finally I got my package. Yippie!!! This is my first product that I bought from foreign seller. Oh, I'm so excited.

May 24, 2009

Forgot to Register on the Presidential Election.

The Presidential Election Day will held on Juli 8th, 2009. Last week, I realized that I haven’t checked whether my name is listed or not. And I just knew and the date line for registration is over. I think I will miss this election again, since last election on 9 April; I wasn’t listed as a voter. Anyway, I hope Indonesian citizen will be carefully in making a decision and also hope the best man will win.

May 23, 2009

A Whole New World

I was browsing for old song on the net, and I found one of my favorite songs ever. It’s a Peabo Bryson’s, well, I think you can guess. What else beside “A Whole New World”, the Aladdin movie soundtrack. I miss that song, since I never heard it again for years. I upload the Youtube on this post to remind me of this song and the movie also. There are also other songs from The Disney's movie. Hope you can enjoy it as I do.


May 21, 2009

Meeting The Parents

I've received an email from Comedy Central about a joke. It's quite funny. Here, I share with you, please enjoy and always smile sengihnampakgigi

Meeting the Parents

A girl invites her boyfriend over for dinner with her parents. Since this is such a big event, the girl tells him that after dinner she wants to have sex with him for the first time.

The boy is ecstatic, but nervous because he's a virgin. He goes to the pharmacy to get some condoms. He tells the pharmacist his situation and asks for advice. The pharmacist tells him everything there is to know about sex. At the register, the pharmacist asks how many condoms he'd like to buy: a 3-pack or a 10-pack. The boy says he feels lucky and insists on the 10-pack.

That night, the boy shows up for dinner a little late. His girlfriend meets him at the door leads him straight to the dinner table where her parents are already seated. The boy sits down, quickly offers to say grace and bows his head. A minute passes, and the boy is still silent with his head down. Five minutes pass, and still no movement from the boy. Finally, after 10 minutes, the girlfriend leans over and whispers to the boy, "I had no idea you were this religious."

The boy turns and whispers back, "I had no idea your father was a pharmacist."

May 16, 2009

Homer Simpson Quote of The Day

I love The Simpsons a lot! When I was a teenager, I always watched that movie. Who don't know them.. the funky family..
Anyway, to remind me about them, I put a gadget on the right side of this blog, called "Homer Simpson Quote of The Day" well, not every quote has positive meaning.. ha.ha, you know Homer, aren't you..? haha.. but it's quite entertaining every day.. please enjoy it.

May 15, 2009

Package From Korea

Last week I bought some clothing samples from Korean seller and yesterday I received a mail notification from the post office regarding to this. They said I should take the package at the office and pay the import tax. I’m really surprised about the tax value; it’s really expensive… more than the price itself...
My package is under $US 50, and it’s only samples, but they charge me more than that… Ggrrr!!tension
My suspicious is the invoice/EMS form is missing so they value the price by themselves… (Did they open the package? Hmm… I don’t know. But from the mail, there is also” re-packaging” fee). Tomorrow I should come to their office to get this done.. huhu.. wasting my time in sweet Saturday.

April 10, 2009

To Choose the Best Web Host

You can name every facility existed on internet but there is nothing as useful as web hosting service given by several online providers which usually are called as the web hosts. This is one service that will enable yourself to get the full features in building a website so that you can easily drag the more advantages from doing so.
But with the fact that there have been so many web hosts out there, you will eventually get confused in choosing one that will benefit you the most. This is what website is trying to solve for you.

Once you have logged it on, you will see that this website offers you the complete references of web hosting choice. Not just the name of the specific web hosts but you can also get the full information regarding the certain web hosts. It means that you can see the additional information from the tariffs up to the size of the disks to be used once you are applying for such service. Also, you can see the title given to a web host on what awards does it win so it can help you determining how reliable it is on serving you.

April 09, 2009

Election Day

Today is the election day, but it's too bad, I can't use my right to vote because I don't receive the election card. Although I have lived here for 3 years, I still have not registered.. hmm I don't know..
I think, there are many other citizen who have the same problem with me.. Just imagine if thousand people can't vote...

March 04, 2009

Beaute de Maman for Beautiful Mother

For most married people, having baby is a precious moment that has to be enjoyed fully. Unfortunately, along with the happiness that most parents feel on their expecting time, there are few things that may reduce the excitement. It is the change on your body to accommodate your baby that often delivers new problems with the mother’s appearance. You may even think you have to start saying goodbye to stylish and fashionable image you have already gained since you were a single.

Hey, why bother? There are many ways you can find to conquer the problems that usually occur during your pregnancy, and Beaute de Maman is one of the best lines you can rely on. Beaute de Maman as you can see at is a unique line of health and beauty products for pregnant women. The products offered here are specially designed to conquer all type of problems that usually occur during pregnancy.

The products of Beauty de Maman even become the last resort for Hollywood celebrity moms-to be who want to stay at the freshest and beautiful condition during their pregnancy. So now, if you want to look as great as them during your pregnancy, just browse this website and order now.

March 03, 2009

I've got 1 million!

Waa.. I haven't posted any blog for so long. Lately, I don't have time to blog. I'm so busy with my online store stuffs. Yes, finally I can decide what product I will sell. Now, I'm busy in finding the great supplier with great offers. I can't tell you now. Just wait the Big Day.. sengihnampakgigi

By the way, I was really shocked when I opened this site. Oh My God, what happen with the Alexa rank? Now it is above 1 million. tension. Well, the last time I saw it was around 600.000.

Well, I think I should start blogging again to get my rank back.. or better. Wish me luck!

February 20, 2009

Be The Prom Queen

Every girl wants to be a star in a party, don't you think so? This explains why we, as girls often spending hours only just find the right dress, the right shoes, the right make up and other products that will support our performance in a party. This also works if you want to attend a prom party. Since prom party will be the party where we are performing differently from our daily life, prom party will be a good place for us to show the different side of us to our friends, and of course, our date. So now, if you are in a big dilemma for choosing the right outfit for your prom party, here are some references that may useful for your selecting process.

First of all, purchasing prom dress from boutiques will cost you a fortune. Since you may only use it once, you have to make sure you purchase it from a source that can provide you the best deals. can be a good source since its providing beautiful prom dresses for any size with various designs that will fulfill each individual taste. You can get so much by shopping online in this website since you will not only enjoying the convenience but also unlimited freedom to choose any prom dress. Imagine if you have to spend hours on boutiques asking about the price of each dress that attract your attention. The salesperson will force you to purchase one of the dresses and you will feel really bad if none of the dress suits your body or budget.

This website will enable you to take your time assessing each dress and match it with your budget. You can also get valuable reference by checking out the prom dress which becomes one of the top ten prom dresses list. Have you found the right prom shoes to match the prom dress? It will be very lucky if you have got a pair, but if not, you can take the advantage from the prom shoes collection in this website and pick a pair of beautiful shoes that will looks just perfect with the prom dress you have already choose before.

With a lot of prom dresses available for you to choose, you must be confused for sure to pick which one will looks best on you. Why don't you just seek for prom advice from the experts and find out how to pick the most suitable dress with your body shape. You can also find more tips on conquering your nervousness and be confident on the prom party. Who know you will be the next prom queen…

January 29, 2009

Omega 3 Supplement

Omega 3 has been known as a nutritionally essential that we need, by consuming omega 3 constantly will have a great impact to your health, especially for your brain, and natural omega 3 much available in fish oil, if you want to consume omega 3 supplement, just make sure that the products are has been tested in laboratory to make sure the safety and hygienic.

But not all Omega 3 that contains in a health supplement are contains 100% pure omega 3, 90% is a good number, and provide Omega 3 health supplements that contains more than 92% pure omega 3s, for old people, consume omega 3 can prevent memory loss, and for a student can make the memory running well, if you often forget something, then it’s the time you consume omega 3.
Fish oil omega 3 fatty acids from Omax3 is better than commonly fish oil supplement, because it is contain higher pure omega 3 on each serving, made from fresh and high quality material, made by professional that have much expert in this field, so no need doubt about the quality, you can give it for a gift for your parents, it can help them from memory loss.

January 28, 2009


Last Saturday will be an unforgettable day in my life. That day I had a surgery and it was the first time I was unconscious because of anesthetic. The doctor found something in my chest and it must be lifted.
I have to stay at the hospital for days and now I still need time to recover. But I barely can take a rest at home, because there are children who always need my attention.

Anyway, I have to control to the doctor next Saturday and also to know the result. Oh My God, I'm very scared.gigitjari I hope it will be fine.doa

January 22, 2009

Happy Birthday, Honey!

hb myspace comments

A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip! And always remember that you are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.

January 18, 2009

Get Your Baby the Right Baby Care

Well, having a baby will be the most prestigious moment in women's life. It is the moment when a woman turns into a mother, and the moment when a woman starts a new life with her baby. In fact, it also becomes a busy moment since you have to be able to take care of your baby well while you also need to take care of yourself. These are exactly two difficult jobs at the same time.

If you are in this situation, you need to be smart in choosing the right products for your baby. For sure, you have to choose the safest products as you don't want your baby to get hurt or be sick, right? You can use the buying guide available on the internet as your resource before you buy certain products for your baby or toddlers, even. Giving proper and right food will always become your concern along with your baby or toddler's growing needs. There is also nursing and feeding buying guide which will help you to find the perfect products. This buying guide will surely important for mothers especially for those who become a mother for the first time.

In addition, you might also need activity sets for your baby or toddlers as you want them to be active. Since some toys can be hazardous for baby and toddlers, the guide will surely beneficial for you. So, enjoy your precious moment with you baby since it is irreplaceable.

January 10, 2009

IT Consulting

Do you have a plan to start a business this year? What kind of business do you want? Any kind of business you want, you will need great technology to improve and support your business and you need an IT expert to find the right IT solution that will give the best result for your business plan. Well, I didn’t say that you have to be an IT expert to be in business, but you just need to have a leading IT consulting firm guide you.

There are many IT consulting firms that you can easily find in the internet. They will help you with the technology that fits with your business. And for you whose company is located in around Boston and New York City, you can consider to use manhattan it consulting for your business. Their company is a pioneer in comprehensive IT outsourcing since 1994. They offer variable services such as: Web Design, Business Application Development, Network monitoring, Preventive Care Program, IT support and many more. Just choose the technology service you need and it will help you to drive your business to me more competitive, productive and the most important is more profitable.

Now are you ready entering the business world?


After reading the SEO Book, I've got great information regarding SEO and in fact there are still so many step that I haven't done yet. For a whole this time, I just only blogging and blog walking, never done SEO. Now, I'm trying to implement the SEO, but the problem is, it really takes time. Well, since the maid was not working again in my house, I spend my time most to take care my children and do the houseworks. I only have time to blog after midnight or in the weekend. nangih

January 09, 2009

Breast Enhancement

I love to watch the reality show program on TV about changing somebody’s appearance. I always be amazed on the final result, because only in few months, that “ugly duck” changes to a beautiful princess. They are very lucky to get a chance to have a new life.
Many people in this world are not satisfied with their looks, they are not confident with their appearance and many of them feel that this problem has a great impact to their personal life. Well, we all realize that nobody is perfect, but now with the development of technology at least there is a possibility for us to have our dream looks.

The breast size maybe the most famous issue among women since a long time ago. Many of them feel that their breasts size is too small or too big. Understanding this, MYA is offering breast enhancement for you who want to change your breast shape. Not only breast enlargement surgery, but also breast reduction surgery and breast uplift surgery that are offered by MYA with affordable and flexible finance packages. Many MYA’s patient said that after took the surgery, their breasts are amazing and look natural, and of course it is boosting their confidence too.
So, how about you, do you want to reshape your breasts too? However, there are risks involved in every surgical procedure, so I suggest you to have more information before you take this surgery.

January 08, 2009


I can't stand it!
I've been sick for almost 2 weeks. It's only cold and cough but it is torturing me so much.MySpace Moreover there are babies at home.
I've been to the doctor twice. And took lots of pills, but until now I don't feel 100% well. Maybe it because I don't take much rest. Well, if I take a rest, who is going to take care my babies???MySpace
Hiks..hiks.. Is there anyone who want to be a volunteer as a nanny??
